The Mystery of the Missing Penguins


What is it?

A short play for 20 children with doubling possible.

Suitable for use by drama groups or youth groups and for performance in church or to an audience of parents or other children. You can view an extract here.

What is it about?

A mysterious animal-napper is on the loose at Pentland Zoo. A group of visiting children must help the Spud the zookeeper solve the mystery and save the penguins.

If you wish to perform this play in public, you are required to purchase a Performance Licence. This licence means that Foolproof Creative Arts grants you permission to stage the work. The Performance Licence fee helps us to cover our costs and ensures that the original authors are properly paid for their work.

If you are using the work for a rehearsed reading, workshop, or in a school as part of the regular teaching day, with no invited guests, you may use the script without obtaining a licence. For all other settings – charged, free, charitable, ticketed or unticketed – a licence is required.

Foolproof Creative Arts wants to make licensing as straightforward as possible, so for each of our scripts, we offer a licence which allows you to stage as many performances as you want to as large an audience as you wish. You are also allowed under the terms of our licence, to photograph and make one video of the work, subject to the reminder that you ought to obtain permission from those involved in the production before publishing any photos or footage.